As a rightful client/member of ExpertWebHost.NET [hereafter referred to as "ExpertWebHost"] binds you to the following terms and agreements. ExpertWebHost reserves the right to revise its policies at any time without notice.
All services provided by ExpertWebHost may only be used for lawful purposes. Transmission, storage, or presentation of any information, data or material in violation of any United States Federal, State or City law is prohibited.
This includes, but is not limited to: copyrighted material(hosted / linked), material we judge to be threatening or obscene, unlicensed software or files, or material protected by trade secret and other statute.
You agree to indemnify and hold harmless ExpertWebHost from any claims resulting from the use of our services.
Use of our services to infringe upon any copyright or trademark is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to unauthorized copying of music, books, photographs, or any other copyrighted work. The offer of sale of any counterfeit merchandise of a trademark holder will result in the immediate termination of your account. Any account found to be in violation of anothers copyright will be expeditiously removed, or access to the material disabled. Any account found to be in repeated violation of copyright laws will be suspended and/or terminated from our server. If you believe that your copyright or trademark is being infringed upon, please email contating all the information related.
Examples of unacceptable material on all Shared and Reseller servers include:
Links to unacceptable content, as defined above, are also prohibited.
Potential harm to minors is strictly forbidden, including but not limited to child pornography or content perceived to be child pornography (Lolita): Any site found to host child pornography or linking to child pornography will be terminated immediately without notice.
ExpertWebHost reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. Any material that, in our judgment, is obscene, threatening, illegal, or violates our terms of service in any manner may be removed from our servers (or otherwise disabled), with or without notice. Failure to respond to email from our abuse department within 24 hours may result in the suspension or termination of your services. All abuse issues must be dealt with via troubleticket/email and will have a response within 24 hours.
ExpertWebHost refuses to tolerate any approach to the sending of Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE) or SPAM through our network and services. Customers of ExpertWebHost may not use or permit others to use our network, including our third party networks, to partake in UCE or SPAM distribution. Customers of ExpertWebHost may not host or permit hosting of sites or information that is advertised by UCE or SPAM sent from other servers or networks.
Users who maintain email lists, or send emails to more than 10 recipients at a time, or send more than 1,000 emails in a 30-day period must maintain complete and accurate records of all consents and opt-ins and provide such records to ExpertWebHost upon its request and allow any party sent email to remove itself automatically and permanently. If a user cannot provide positive and verifiable proof of such consents and opt-ins, ExpertWebHost will consider the mass mailing to be unsolicited and take appropriate action to ensure the quality of our network, including our third party networks.
SPAM Complaint Processing fees - A service fee of $50 per spam complaint will be applied for SPAM complaints that are processed by or sent to ExpertWebHost as a result of violations of these Terms of Service. A service fee of $125/hour will apply for investigation and corrective work performed by ExpertWebHost to resolve SPAM violations.
IP Blacklisting Removal fees - If, as a result of a Customer's actions, ExpertWebHost's mail servers or IP address ranges are placed on email black hole lists or other mail filtering software system list, ExpertWebHost shall charge Customer $250 upfront and $125 per hour thereafter for any necessary investigation and corrective work.
ExpertWebHost may, at any time, audit systems for any data/activity showing potential policy violations. If any terms or conditions are failed to be followed, it will result in grounds for service suspension or deactivation. ExpertWebHost reserves the right to remove any account or service without prior notice. If ExpertWebHost deactivates your service or account(s) for violating policy, you will forfeit your rights to a refund. No refunds for advance payments on deactivated accounts. Serious offenses may cause immediate deactivation WITHOUT WARNING.
Warnings: The ExpertWebHost Abuse Dept makes an attempt to contact the client, via email, when the first sign of a possible violation is noted. These alerts are a courtesy. Responses to such alerts are required within 24 hours. If an alert is received from any ExpertWebHost staff member, the client is responsible for acknowledging his/her understanding and citing any action planned or taken, within 24 hours of the notice. Failure to do so may lead to suspension and will require a $25.00 fee for reactivation. Repeated failure to do so may result in termination.
Note: It is extremely important to ensure that the email address on record with the ExpertWebHost Client Portal is valid. This is the address used for abuse notifications and warnings.
Without limiting other remedies, ExpertWebHost or its affiliates may limit, suspend, or terminate your use of ExpertWebHost Products and Services, prohibit access to ExpertWebHost's website, remove hosted content such as emails and website data, and take technical and legal steps to keep you off ExpertWebHost's network if we suspect that you are in breach of these Terms of Service, or are past due by more than 3 days (suspension) or 10 days (termination) on your account balance (subscription payment), causing possible legal liabilities, acting inconsistently with the letter or spirit of our policies, your use of any Product or Service degrades the quality and performance of the ExpertWebHost services, if you purchased ExpertWebHost Product or Services from an unauthorized reseller, or for other similar reasons, with immediate effect and without recourse to the courts. ExpertWebHost shall effect such termination by preventing access to your account and to the ExpertWebHost network as well as delete any website content, data, or domain names stored on our network. If you provided a valid email address, ExpertWebHost may provide notice to you by email, but is not under obligation to notify you.
All provisions which must survive in order to give effect to their meaning shall survive any expiration or termination of the agreement, including without limitation, all of your representations, warranties and indemnification obligations.
You acknowledge and agree that any termination of the Service under any provision of this Agreement may be effected without prior notice, and agree that ExpertWebHost may immediately thereafter delete any and all hosted data, backup files, email files, domain names, account settings, network addresses and any other content within your account that is stored on the ExpertWebHost network.
ExpertWebHost may or may not require a reactivation fee when a customer account/s is/are suspended. ExpertWebHost at it's discretion may or may not charge $25.00, and when applicable, to cover any administrative costs associated with the offense/violation, as determined by ExpertWebHost.
In any case involving unauthorized parties utilizing a ExpertWebHost service for abuse/violations, the client will be responsible for stopping all affected applications, until the source of the problem is found and corrected. ExpertWebHost may opt to disable all services until the client can perform such an investigation. If the technical support of ExpertWebHost is required for the investigation, the client agrees to compensate ExpertWebHost at a rate of $25/hour for such services performed, if such services are not included in the client's current service package.
In general, the client is responsible for maintaining a secure system. This includes, but is not limited to:
Additionally, ExpertWebHost will not be responsible for securing third-party applications.
The client is expected to monitor his/her system(s) and/or service(s). Resource usage should be maintained within the level outlined in the service contract. Abuse caused by end-users or unauthorized parties may increase resource usage and it should be noted that overage fees may apply.
Certain clients, such as those with fully managed VPS/Dedicated Server support services, may be entitled to a higher level of support than those clients with only basic VPS/Dedicated Server management included with their service(s). The above unauthorized usage responsibilities may differ for such clientele. Further details of technical support provided can be found in the ExpertWebHost Managed Services Definition and Backup Policy.
ExpertWebHost will be the sole arbiter as to what constitutes a violation of resource usage limitations.
VPS accounts may not:
Overage fees will apply to any service utilizing more than it's assigned bandwidth allocation, except for those services advertised/sold as "UNMETERED". Overages will be calculated based on overall amount of GigaBytes (GB) transferred in a monthly period, unless a service is sold based on Megabits per Second (MBPS). Services sold by MBPS, will be calculated via the industry standard 95% method, unless specified in contract otherwise. MRTG or other bandwidth reporting is available upon request for all services. Client is responsible for all usage, and any corresponding overages fees, that result from a service that may be hacked and/or flooding. ExpertWebHost may require a deposit should a client utilize/require large amounts of bandwidth beyond their standard bandwidth allocation.
Basic Dedicated servers are installed on 10Mbps unthrottled ports, unless service is sold as a specified port size (ie...10MBPS UNMETERED) or specified/requested as a capped port. ExpertWebHost reserves the right to monitor network usage, and if a service significantly exceeds average usage, to throttle the available speed to conserve network resources and to prevent any large billing anomalies. This will generally not include short spikes in usage, but will include, but not be limited to, sustained transfers of significantly larger than average amounts of bandwidth. If at any time any client's data transfer rate affects other ExpertWebHost clientele, ExpertWebHost reserves the right to throttle and/or disconnect the service causing such a problem.
ExpertWebHost reserves the right to block/filter or throttle ports and/or ip address ranges, at its discretion. This may include, for example, blocking Port 6667 (IRC), denying access from a known-spamming IP address range, or limiting the speed of point-to-point file-sharing programs (Kazaa, Limewire, Donkey, etc...). This may also include giving priority to certain traffic types, such as Voice-over-IP (VOIP) phone call transmissions.
Services advertised/sold as "UNMETERED" will not be subject to bandwidth overage fees. Bandwidth is supplied from a shared pool, and is not supplied as guaranteed/dedicated bandwidth. Burstable usage of the UNMETERED service/port is permitted, however, a service that has heavy sustained usage may have their port capped or be asked to upgrade to a dedicated service plan. UNMETERED service is supplied on a "best-effort" basis---which may result in some slowdowns during peak traffic times.
To maintain the integrity of our service, VPS service that utilizes heavy amounts of system resources may be required to be upgraded, or, ExpertWebHost may relocate your site to a different server and/or IP address, to reduce the load on the server on which you are currently residing.
To maintain the integrity of our service, ExpertWebHost may relocate your backup service to a different server and/or IP address, to reduce the load on the server on which you are currently residing. Download/FTP sites, web-serving (httpd), and/or usage that results in heavy upstream/outgoing bandwidth consumption beyond that of normal backup operations is not permitted on the backup service. This service is meant for the backup/restore/sharing/storing of data/files, and not for usage normally performed by web/database servers.
ExpertWebHost may disconnect any idle connection to the network. Average timeouts are:
The ExpertWebHost Support team takes great lengths to provide polite, prompt and excellent customer service at all times. For the safety and protection of our staff and their families we have a zero tolerance policy in regards to abuse of our staff. You may not threaten, abuse, shout at, swear at, insult, or otherwise disrespect our staff during any form of business communication including, but not limited to in person, telephone, live chat, fax, postal mail, Email, forum post, blog post, instant messenger, or ticket response. Violations of this aspect of the Terms of Service and as well as ExpertWebHost's Support Scope is subject to account termination without warning. If such a termination takes place no refund will be given.
Examples of such activity include, but are not limited to:
ExpertWebHost Technical Support Scope includes:
ExpertWebHost Technical Support Scope does not include:
To cancel or elect not to renew any Product or Service the Customer must submit a cancellation request via the ExpertWebHost Client Portal (currently at This must submitted at least seven (7) calendar days prior to expiration of the current renewal term. To insure the privacy and security of both the Customer and ExpertWebHost, cancellation must be completed via the ExpertWebHost Client Portal only. Requests for cancellation via e-mail, telephone, fax, physical mail or any other means will not be processed.
No refunds will be given, beyond the 7 day moneyback guarantee, for late cancellations. Cancellations requests made seven (7) or less days prior to expiration of current renewal term require that the current service invoice be paid. Account credits, including credits given by ExpertWebHost as adjustments, funds added by clients via the billing system, or any other situation are non-refundable and can only be used toward payment of ExpertWebHost services.
Please take note that email address with prefixes of is the only accredited email address which will inform you about the progress of your order. is also used in case of emergencies and mail server breakdown. Other email address will not be honored by ExpertWebHost.
You agree to pay ExpertWebHost for Products and Services without deduction, or delay for any reason. At any time, ExpertWebHost may require you to pay a deposit or increase an existing deposit as a condition of providing Services. You authorize ExpertWebHost to investigate your credit history at any time and to share credit information about you with credit reporting agencies. Payment of all charges is overdue within three (3) days after the date of invoice, in U.S. currency. Invoices are issued seven (7) days prior to subscription renewal dates (if you bill on the 15th of the month, an invoice is generated on the 8th of the month and must be paid in full by the 15th of the month). Past due accounts that receive payments will have those payments applied to the oldest past due invoices first. Failure to pay any invoice may place the account into default, and could lead to suspension of all services until the account is paid and current. You will be responsible for reimbursing ExpertWebHost for all costs (including reasonable attorney fees) associated with collecting delinquent or dishonored payments. Accounts not paid in full within three (3) days of the invoice due date may be suspended, or terminated and a reconnection late fee of TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS ($25) may be applied for each service in the overdue invoice. Accounts not paid in full within ten (10) days of the invoice due date may be terminated and any past due invoices turned over to our collections service with an additional collections fee of SEVENTY NINE DOLLARS ($79) will be applied in addition to any past due balance and/or late fees.
ExpertWebHost accepts online payments from Credit Card(thru PayPal), Paypal Payments, and offline payments via Bank Transferes(Bank transfers are only for Indian Customers and restricted to halfyearly and yearly payments only).
Each of ExpertWebHost's managed Shared and Reseller packages carry a 07 day conditional money back guarantee on them. Any customer can claim refunds within the first 07 days of service subjected to following condtions..
Processing of refunds and making a refund process may take upto 5 business days and not instant. Also, no form of refunds(including prorated refunds) will be offered after the first 07 days of service.
Customers who availed the Free Domain included in their package/s VOIDS any and all Money-Back guarantees.
Domain Name Registrations, SSL Certificates, dedicated IP addresses, WHMCS licenses and full management vps/dedicated server plans are not included in the 07 days refund policy scope. ExpertWebHost will not provide refunds to any transactions made with these services.
Account credits, including credits given by ExpertWebHost as adjustments, funds added by clients via the billing system, or any other situation are non-refundable and can only be used toward payment of ExpertWebHost services.
VPS and VPS Reseller packages are only not eligible for any type of refund.
Dedicated Server refunds are only entertained if and only if they experience any of the below mentioned problems:
ExpertWebHost may refuse to entertain any refund request with reasons other than those above mentioned possible problems (eg: delayed licensing).
All approved refunds will be released ONLY to the payment method that the client chose when they made their purchase. However for offline payments, refund can either be credited to ExpertWebHost Client Portal credit fund, or be converted as a Paypal fund (Customer Paypal account needs to be provided).
Your use of this service is at your sole risk. ExpertWebHost is not responsible for files and/or data residing on your account. You agree to take full responsibility for files and data transferred and to maintain all appropriate backup of files and data stored on ExpertWebHost servers.
ExpertWebHost internal backup feature for Shared and Reseller Hosting accounts is ran on Sunday of each week, overwrites any of our previous backups made, and only one week of backups are kept. This service is provided to Shared and Reseller Hosting customers as a courtesy. For VPS and Dedicated Server service, no backups are kept. That's why VPS and Dedicated Server customers should strongly exercise to take backups of their own data.
ExpertWebHost always recommends purchasing backup storage/service with any and all systems/services. Clients may purchase backup drives and/or backup storage and perform their own backups--with or without ExpertWebHost or control panel supplied backup software enabled, or may purchase a managed backup solution from ExpertWebHost.
By filling out the signup form you will automatically become an affiliate and are bound by the terms of this agreement. Your participation in the program is solely for this purpose: to legally advertise our website to receive a commission on products purchased by your referral individuals.
Your affiliate application and status in the program may be suspended or terminated for any of the following reasons: Inappropriate advertisements (False claims, misleading hyperlinks) Spamming (mass email, mass newsgroup posting, etc...) Advertising on sites containing/promoting illegal activities Violation of intellectual property rights. Using of Affiliate Link for own use of any ExpertWebHost products and services.
You may use graphic and text links both on your website and in emails. The site may also be advertised "offline" in classified ads, magazines, and newpapers. You may use the graphics and text provided to you by us, or you may create your own as long as they are deemed appropriate according to the conditions specified in this TOS.
When a web surfer clicks through your affiliate link, a cookie is set in their browser that contains your affiliate username. Also, their IP address is tracked in the database along with your affiliate name. When this person decides to buy a product, the script will look for this cookie and/or try to match their IP address to identify the affiliate who will be awarded the commission. Visitors sent through your affiliate link may make a purchase later in time and the commission will still be awarded if the cookie is present in their browser and/or the are using the same IP address as the one logged in the database.
These terms will begin upon your signup with the affiliate program and will end when your affiliate account is terminated. The terms of this agreement may be modified by us at any time. If any modification to the terms is unnacceptable to you, your only choice is to terminate your affiliate account. Your continuing participation in the program will constitute your acceptance of any change.
Upon signing up with our program, you may or may not receive signup bonuses or credits to your affiliate account. These can amount to some form of cash equivalent. These signup bonuses or credits will only be paid out when you have reached the minimum payout amount designated by our Affiliate Program. You cannot redeem these credits for anything else other than what they are, and will not be dispersed until you have generated enough commissions that is equal or greater than the minimum payout amount. If you do not generate any commissions at all within a period of 1 year, our company reserves the right to revoke and cancel any signup bonuses credited to your affiliate account due to lack of performance.
We will not be liable for indirect or accidental damages (loss of revenue, commissions) due to affiliate tracking failures, loss of database files, and any results of "intents of harm" to the program or our website. We do not make any expressed or implied warranties with respect to the affiliate program and/or products sold at this site. We make no claim that the operation of the affiliate program and our website will be error-free and we will not be liable for any interruptions or errors. We will be responsible for providing all necessary information to allow you to make appropriate Link from Your Site to Our Site. We will be solely responsible for processing every order application for ExpertWebHost products or services placed by a customer following a Link from Your Site, for tracking the number and amount of sales generated by the Link from Your Site, and for providing information to you regarding commission payments.
We will also be responsible for all the payment processing, cancellations, returns, and related customer service for ExpertWebHost services.
We are responsible for establishing commission schedules and payouts of earned Commissions as detailed in Section 8 of this Agreement.
All Monthly and Yearly-paid Shared Hosting plans, Reseller Hosting, VPS, and Dedicated Servers are all eligible for referral commissions.
Additional add-ons, domains, digital certificates, email hosting, site builders, and ALL packages currently in promotion or discount are not eligible for earning comissions with ExpertWebHost Affiliate.
ExpertWebHost reserves the right to modify the commission value of a sold product/service at its absolute discretion to decide not to pay any Commission to you if we believe that any referral has been made in violation of its technical guidelines, due to referral/customer fraud, or due to referral/customer contract cancellation. It is the Affiliate's sole and absolute duty to follow precisely this Agreement and its guidelines at all times.
ExpertWebHost is under no obligation whatsoever to pay any Commission to any Affiliate who does not strictly follow this Terms and Agreements. ExpertWebHost's determination of the commissions due shall be dispositive.
LAST CHANGES: October 01, 2016.